Event Calendar


BEING LOVE: Mindfulness + Soulful Journaling (Live)

Monday, February 10th, 2025 /7-9:30 pm pst; Toluca Lake

Expand your ideas about love with mindfulness meditation and soulful journaling. Join Robin  with Madelynn Schermer of Abundance Mindfulness for an invigorating evening of meditation and writing.


UCLA Extension Women’s Writing Weekend Workshop (Live)

Winter 2024 Weekend: Saturday & Sunday, New Date: March 1-2, 9-5pm; On-site UCLA campus

Robin teaches the Women’s Writing Weekend Workshop as a 2-day intensive that invites writers to find their voice on the page and embrace the worthiness of what they have to share. Registration required.


Writers Conference for Healthcare Professionals – Part 2; Heart. Soul. Pen. for Physicians (Online)

Friday, May 2, 3-4pm pst/6-7 pm est; virtual

This workshop is designed specifically for physicians to find their voice on the page, release limiting beliefs, and embark on a vibrant writing practice to meet personal or professional goals.


Signature Workshops:

Live – Heart. Soul. Pen. Women’s Writing Workshop in Los Angeles

Wednesdays,7-9 pm pst; 8 weeks live in North Hollywood
Winter 2025: January 15th to March 12th (no class Feb 12)

The Heart. Soul. Pen. signature workshop live in Los Angeles is designed to create a safe space for deep-dive creativity and soul-centered writing for women. Together, we focus on igniting creative flow, cultivating an attitude of exploration and play, and sharing our work in an uplifting environment. Heart. Soul. Pen. is open to all creatives, writers of all levels, and those interested in radical self-expression. No prior writing experience necessary!  $595.00. Registration required. 

Virtual – Heart. Soul. Pen. Women’s Writing Workshop on Zoom

Mondays, 4-6:30 pm pst/7-9:30 est; 8 weeks on Zoom 
Winter 2025: January 6th  – March 10th (no class Jan 20, Feb 17)

Like the live course above, the online Heart. Soul. Pen. signature workshop is designed to create a safe space for deep-dive creativity and soul-centered writing for women. Together, we focus on igniting creative flow, cultivating an attitude of exploration and play, and sharing our work in an uplifting environment. Open to all creatives, writers of all levels, and those interested in radical self-expression. No prior writing experience necessary! SPACE IS LIMITED! $595.00. Registration required. This class meets fully on Zoom.

Past Events:

Download the Workbook & Start Writing Now!

Do you want to write but believe - deep down - your story is not important or you are not a 'real writer?'  Download the workbook and let go of limiting beliefs holding you back. Unleash your story now!

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